Info about PLCO data here. The PLCO data has 154897 total samples.


  • There are several variables that I would think to be binary (aspirin use, diabetes, ever smoked, …) that have non-binary values. I am not sure what these values mean. Due to mean imputation (done conditional on sex)



Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA’s
49 58 62 62.64 67 78 4920


sex minimum q1 median mean q3 maximum
Female 135 160 162.6 163.1 167.6 198.1
Male 135 172.7 177.8 177.8 182.9 213.4


sex minimum q1 median mean q3 maximum
Female 18.51 23.46 26.63 27.24 29.69 60
Male 18.51 25.02 27.31 27.59 29.56 60


  0 0.06 0.09 1
count 137494 2581 3293 11529
proportion 0.8876 0.01666 0.02126 0.07443

values of diabynm. It is unclear to me what the non-binary values mean

Aspirin use

  0 0.58 0.67 1
count 56462 3061 2408 92966
proportion 0.3645 0.01976 0.01555 0.6002

values of ASPIRINnm

Non-aspirin NSAIDS use

  0 0.78 0.86 1
count 26817 2733 3213 122134
proportion 0.1731 0.01764 0.02074 0.7885

values of NSAIDSYnm


Ever smoked

  0 0.44 0.64 1
count 69272 2103 2850 80672
proportion 0.4472 0.01358 0.0184 0.5208

values of SMK_EVERYnm

Smoking pack-years

  0 1 1.1 1.58 2 3 4
count 69272 19626 2820 3949 19410 19773 20047
proportion 0.4472 0.1267 0.01821 0.02549 0.1253 0.1277 0.1294

values of SMK_EVERYnm = pack-years, study- and sex-specific quartiles. Coding: 0=Never smoker, 1=<=Q25; 2=Q25-50; 3=Q50-75; 4=>Q75

Postmenopausal hormone use (females only)

  0 0.51 1
count 37312 2550 38353
proportion 0.477 0.0326 0.4904

table of hrt_ref_pmy: postmenopausal hormone use (y/n, females only)

count 39725 56850 57903
proportion 0.2565 0.367 0.3738

counts reflect dichotomizing variables education_(1-3)nm as > 0, since there were some non-binary values for each variable.